Voitto+ CD ROM
Financial statements data


On the financial statements screen you can browse the financial statements data of a company or a group, to examine ratios and transfer to compare these graphically.


The upper part of the financial statements screen contains the basics of the company or group under examination.

The items of the financial statements are shown in the form of a table. You can access the profit and loss account and balance sheet data of the previous financial years by double-clicking the grey area.


You can transfer to the financial statements data of the previous or next company you have retrieved to your company list by using the arrow keys in the company browsing.


Financial statements
Graphic comparison
Audit of the accounts
Other names
Group structure
Consolidated financial statements 
Merger data
Internet Open

User instructions: to main page


Financial statements of a company or group


Financial statements data of up to five financial years can be found in the database. The table on the financial statements screen first discloses the items of the newest financial statements.

It is possible that the financial statements of a company or group have been drawn up using different financial statement formulas for different financial years. By double-clicking the grey area on the screen, you can access the financial statements of the previous years drawn up using different formulas.

You can browse the items in the financial statements by utilizing the lift function in the right-hand side of the screen. The balance sheet is found below the profit and loss account. The display space reserved for the profit and loss account and the balance sheet can be expanded or reduced by utilizing the adjacent lift function.

By clicking the Graphics button on the right-hand side of the display you will get the graphical demonstration of the company's / group's profit and loss account and balance sheet.




In the lower part of the financial statements screen, a verbal evaluation is disclosed of the company’s profitability, solvency and liquidity during the latest financial year. The classes based on the ratios of profitability, solvency and liquidity are: poor, passable, satisfactory, good or very good.

The financial category indicates the company’s financial standing. The financial categories based on economic ratios are: poor, passable, satisfactory, good and excellent.

You can change the verbal descriptions to a numerical presentation mode from the menu in the lower right-hand part of the screen. You will get the central ratios of the company and their median values in the line of business to the screen.

More exact ratio data can be accessed with the  button. On the ratio screen you can examine the development of the company’s ratios and compare them with the line of business.


Graphic comparison


The GRAPHIC COMPARISON button takes you to the graphics screen, for comparing the development of the company’s ratios with other companies or lines of business in a graphic form.


Audit of the accounts


The Voitto database contains audit data from the year 1996 onwards. The AUDIT OF THE ACCOUNTS button is active if information about the audit is available of the company or group.

By clicking the button, you get the audit data about the company or group: year of the audit, the auditor or auditors, and the audit statement.

In Asiakastieto, the public auditor’s reports are grouped into nine statements according to whether the statement is of standard form or not.

0 no information
1 The auditor has approved the financial statement without remarks.
2 The auditor has commented on the amount of own capital.
3 The auditor has commented on the management of the corporate governance.
4 The financial statement has not been drawn according to the Bookkeeping Act, nor other rules or regulations.

5 The financial statement or its items contain inadequacies, unclarities or something to comment on.
6 The auditor has commented on valuations of the balance sheet items.
7 The auditor has submitted that the company be placed in liquidation.
8 The company has claims in violation of the Companies Act.
9 The auditor’s report was not available.


Other names


With the button you get the company’s possible former business names, auxiliary business names and parallel business names and their expiration dates.




The button is active if the company is part of a group.

By clicking the button, you obtain a screen of the groups to which the company belongs. You can switch to the financial statements data of the parent company by double-clicking the name of the group on the screen.


Group structure


The button opens a screen by the parent company, which lists all the companies and their position in the group.

The database does not contain financial statements data of inactive or foreign subsidiaries, affiliated companies or joint ventures. The asterisk by the company’s name indicates that the financial statements are found in the database. You can transfer to the financial statements data of a group company by double-clicking the name of the company on the screen.

A group is an economic entity formed by two or several companies, intended to be permanent, in which one company, i.e. the parent company alone or together with other companies in the same group exercises control over the other companies in the group, i.e. subsidiaries. The control is formed if the share of voting power held from a subsidiary exceeds 50 per cent, or the parent company has some other actual control over the subsidiary; for example, an agreement related with ownership.

A group can consist of small as well as big companies. Also the judicial company form has no significance. A joint-stock company, cooperative, limited partnership or partnership can be part of a group or the parent company. The group has no legal jurisdiction, and it is not liable to tax. The corporate relations on the group structure screen:

Main group
The group to which the parent company of the group under examination belongs as a subsidiary.

Parent company
The company, which is the administrative parent company in the group. This company exercises control over the other companies in the group, either alone or together with several companies.

A company is a subsidiary, if another company exercises control over it. In practice, the other company has to hold over 50 per cent of the voting power of the subsidiary.

If a subsidiary forms a group, i.e. the subsidiary exercises control over at least one company, this is called a subgroup.

Joint venture
A joint venture is a domestic or foreign enterprise, in which two companies owns it in equal shares (50% + 50%).

Associated company
An associated company is a domestic or foreign company, in which another company exercises considerable influence in leading the business and financing operations. A company is considered an associated company if the other company holds a minimum of 20% and a maximum or 50% of the voting power in this company.

An associated company is not part of the group. However, the amount from the associated company’s profit or loss and the change in share capital, corresponding to the share of ownership of the group companies, has to be brought into the consolidated financial statements from the financial statements of an associated company. If the associated company is new, the acquisition costs from the shares or participations have to be entered into the consolidated balance sheet.

Participating interest undertaking
A participating interest undertaking is a domestic or foreign company which is not part of the group of companies but in which the other company either alone or together with several companies has a shareholding that creates a permanent connection and is meant to promote the operations of the owning company or a company which is part of the same group.

A company is a participating interest undertaking, if the other company’s shareholding in this company is a minimum of 20 per cent. However, no minimum has been defined for the shareholding, so a company may be a participating interest undertaking even if the other company held less than 20 per cent.

Participating interest undertakings are not included in the consolidated financial statements. An indication of business transactions carried out between the company and its participating interest undertakings, such as financial income and expenses, receivables and debts as well as investments, has to be included in the profit and loss account, balance sheet and the notes to the accounts.


Consolidated financial statement


The button is active if the company is part of a group.

You can access the consolidated financial statements by clicking the button.


Merger data


The button is active if other companies have been merged with the company.

By clicking the button, you can access a screen indicating the companies merged with the company in question and the conclusion dates of the mergers. The companies are mentioned on the screen if their financial statements can be found in the database.

You can transfer to the financial statements data of a merged company by double-clicking the company’s name on the screen.




The button in the company basics indicates that the company has been dissolved, it is bankrupt or it has been merged with another company.

By clicking the button, you open a screen indicating the reason and date for the dissolution.

The company has closed down its activities:
Mode of closing down:
Date: the date when the company’s activities have ended

The company has been merged with another company:
Date of closing down: the date when the company’s activities have ended
Date of merger: the date when the merger has been concluded
Receiving company: Trade Register number and name of the receiving company. You can transfer to the financial statements data of the company by double-clicking its name.

The company has bankruptcy proceedings:
Mode of closing down: KHI, KR, KVA or KT. The code indicates the stage in the bankruptcy proceedings:
KHI: the debtor has filed the bankruptcy petition
KR: the bankruptcy has been interrupted due to the lack of means
KVA: proof of debt in bankruptcy
KT: final decree in bankruptcy
Date: the date when the company has been in the reported stage of bankruptcy


Internet Open


With the  button in the upper part of the screen you can access Asiakastieto’s open business information service in the Internet.

This service provides you with the newest financial statements and ratio data of a company as a Financial Report or basics and payment defaults as a Basic Report. This service requires no registration or identifiers.