Urheilun Setä Oy - Overview | Suomen Asiakastieto Oy
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Urheilun Setä Oy

Yrityksen Urheilun Setä Oy (3009519-4) liikevaihto oli 26,000 euroa 2023 ja työllisti - henkilöä. Liikevaihto nousi 4.0 %. Liiketoiminnan voitto oli 1,000 euroa ja liikevoittoprosentti oli 3.7 %. Yhtiön omavaraisuusaste oli 100 %. Tarkista tilikauden tulos Yritysanalyysiraportilta tästä.

Business id
Postal address
Kustaankuja 3 B 5, 13720 Parola
Line of business
Activities of professional membership organisations (94120)
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Registry information

Business id
Main line of business
Activities of professional membership organisations (94120)
Company form
Year of establishment
2019 (company's age: Less than 1 year) (company's age: 1 year) (company's age: {{2024 - 2019 }} years)
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Suominen Tapio Juhani
Varsinainen jäsen
Suominen Tapio Juhani


  • Translation missing
  • Translation missing
  • Translation missing
  • Translation missing
  • Translation missing

Financial information

Key figures


26 000
+4 %

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1 000
+200 %


100 %
+40 %

Not translated to english

4 %
+193 %
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and is industry specific for this company ({{product.$statistics.industry.name}}).

Report is available for {{product.$statistics.expirationInDays}} days {{product.$statistics.expirationInDays}} day.

Financial information

Urheilun Setä Oy

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and is industry specific for this company ({{product.$statistics.industry.name}}).

Report is available for {{product.$statistics.expirationInDays}} days {{product.$statistics.expirationInDays}} day.

Sales Report

Urheilun Setä Oy

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and is industry specific for this company ({{product.$statistics.industry.name}}).

Report is available for {{product.$statistics.expirationInDays}} days {{product.$statistics.expirationInDays}} day.

Info Watcher

Urheilun Setä Oy

Tietovahti kuvaus (Englanniksi).

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and is industry specific for this company ({{product.$statistics.industry.name}}).

Report is available for {{product.$statistics.expirationInDays}} days {{product.$statistics.expirationInDays}} day.

Publicity Report

Urheilun Setä Oy

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and is industry specific for this company ({{product.$statistics.industry.name}}).

Report is available for {{product.$statistics.expirationInDays}} days {{product.$statistics.expirationInDays}} day.

Company Value Report

Urheilun Setä Oy

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and is industry specific for this company ({{product.$statistics.industry.name}}).

Report is available for {{product.$statistics.expirationInDays}} days {{product.$statistics.expirationInDays}} day.