Updating the company information

If your company information has changed or if you want to notify of incorrect information, read the instructions below to update your company’s information correctly for different parties.

What to do when the company’s contact information has changed (address, phone number, email address or website)

When the company’s contact information changes (address, phone number, email address or website), update the information to the company information systems of both  the Finnish Patent and Registration Office and the Finnish Tax Administration.

The primary field of business is marked incorrectly in the business information

If you want to change the information about the field of business, for example when you have expanded your business, notify the Finnish Tax Administration of the matter.

Partner information has changed

You can notify of the changes in company’s partners via email tuoreutus@asiakastieto.fi.

I cannot find an association in the company search

The association is not in the association register of the Trade Register, and that is why it is not found in Asiakastieto’s database either. Read more about the association register.

The decision-makers have changed

Asiakastieto has a register of so called “decision-maker information” for companies, i.e. the persons in charge of, for example, financial management, marketing or sales. If your company’s decision-makers have changed, you can notify of the changes via email: tuoreutus@asiakastieto.fi.

The persons in charge have changed

When your company’s persons in charge have changed, you have to notify the Trade Register of these changes. Asiakastieto cannot do this for any company. Go to Trade Register.

The company name has changed

Go to Trade Register, where you can notify of the change.

The business has ceased

When a company has ceased its operations, Asiakastieto gets the information directly from the Trade Register. If the Trade Register still shows the business as active, please contact the Trade Register tai the Finnish Tax Administration.