Ensure the quality of your customer data
Monitor and Maintain Your Customer Base
Did you find yourself in the middle of a CRM mess? Did you know that the quality of the customer register should be taken care of particularly well.
Up-to-date customer register
Customer understanding stems from a customer register containing high-quality data.
Correctness of customer data
You save sales and marketing time with high-quality customer lists, where the data is also GDPR safe.
Cleared customer data
Active monitoring of customers helps to manage risks and avoid credit losses.
Together we achieve better results
The usability and correctness of the data contained in your customer register determine how well your company succeeds in sales and marketing. With the help of Asiakastieto’s information, you can easily update, monitor, and enrich the content of your customer register.
Communication and understanding needs are the key to successful cooperation. Asiakastieto’s objective is to create value for each of its customers in a customised way, respecting the customer's wishes. Ask, discuss, and realise with us. It does not require any money from you, but you can gain valuable insight into the possibilities of customer data.
Would you like to hear more about how Asiakastieto can help your company maintain customer data and improve data quality? Leave your contact information and our expert will contact you as soon as possible.

Up-to-date customer register
One of the most potential business opportunities for companies lies in nurturing the quality of customer data. Sales and marketing can maximise the benefit of your customer register when reliable data is available. When you ensure that customer data is up to date, you can effectively maintain contact with your customers and ensure that customer care is done in the best possible way.

Correctness of customer data
A CRM with the right information is the cornerstone of effective customer management and one of the most important resources for sales and marketing. The lion's share of your salespeople's time is spent searching for information from your customer relationship management system, and marketing automation messages are sent based on the system's customer data, in which case the data must be correct and GDPR-safe. The correctness of the data can be maintained easily, for example by integrating the CRM system into Asiakastieto’s company database or by using update services for consumer customers.

Cleared customer data
With up-to-date and correct customer data, you can understand your customers better and react to rapidly changing situations. Active monitoring of customers helps to manage risks and avoid credit losses. With the help of Asiakastieto’s services, you can monitor, analyse, and enrich your customer data.
Products behind the solution

Customer Optimi
Do you know how big a credit risk lies behind your claims? Or do you know what the structure of your customer base is like? With the Customer Optimi service, you can monitor the payment behaviour of companies.

CRM integrations
The ready-to-use integration of Asiakastieto connects your Salesforce or MS Dynamics CRM system to the highest quality business database in Finland.
It is essential for sales motivation that the background work is smooth. Setting up a new customer in CRM is one of the background tasks that are greatly facilitated by Asiakastieto's integrations. With our integrations, setting up a customer is quick and easy, and the most important company information is always available on the customer card at the required level.
The salesperson report gives the salesperson the most important information about the company in an easy-to-use summary that can be taken to a meeting as background information.

Update services for consumer customer data
One of the most potential business opportunities for companies lies in maintaining the quality of customer data. Sales and marketing can maximise the value of your customer data when reliable data is available. By ensuring that your customer data is up-to-date, you can effectively maintain contact with your customers and ensure that customer relationships are managed in the best possible way.

Monitoring Services
Continuously monitor changes in the payment behaviour and financial status of your customers and partners and receive alerts automatically.
Knowing your customer is all about managing risk and minimising credit losses. Knowing your customers well also helps you to react quickly to changing situations. If, for example, a customer's payment delays become more frequent, the company should suspend the sale of products or services on credit and even prepare for collection action.
With the monitoring service, you can continuously monitor changes in the payment behaviour and financial situation of your customers and partners. The service detects changes in your customer base and you automatically receive alerts without delay. This allows you and your business more time to protect yourself against losses and be more successful in recoveries.

Target group services
Do you want to identify and find exactly the customers who are important to your business? Want to find out what potential your company's products and services could have? Is your customer register out of date? Our versatile target group tools find the most profitable and potential target groups for sales and marketing campaigns among both business decision-makers and consumers. We also help you ensure that your existing customer registers are up to date.