Integration of Asiakastieto and UC – Gift vid första ögonkastet!

Integration planning aiming to combine Asiakastieto and UC has been a very intensive period during the last months. This is what integration is all about: learning to understand each other, ways of working, sharing best practices, not always understanding how things work in the beginning. This is a learning journey for all of us.
About the journey so far… hmmm… It has been interesting and fascinating! People in Asiakastieto and UC have been handling tight schedules, unrealistic amount of Excels, irritating feelings of not fully understanding the neighboring country, culture, company, or the combination of these two organizations; the marriage, as some have playfully expressed. One could add that this marriage has been a business version of the TV reality “Gift vid första ögonkastet” och samma på finska: “Ensitreffit alttarilla” as most of us met at the altar, just a moment after the marital vows.
So, we got acquainted with a lot of new people, hundreds of products and services. We identified initiatives, set goals, explored synergies, created roadmaps, found cost savings, full potentials. We searched for synergies, and more synergies… The word I’ve heard approximately thousand times during the past five months and I’m sure others as well have had dreams/nightmares about finding synergies.
We know that the leaders have been preparing the deal for a long time and with no doubt, their work has been hectic, chaotic, wild, frustrating, and passionate as well. Nonetheless, it is the successful integration work that is the key that unlocks the full value and potential of this deal. After the signing day, it has been crazy and stressful, but every single person has participated the journey with a smile and pride. We have learned a lot and this journey of learning we can all take into our personal balance sheet. It has been a priviledge to work with motivated and engaged individuals who aim to gain the greatest results for the benefit of the whole Asiakastieto Group. During the process, we actually had a blast and lots of good laughs, and we made new friends.
Meeri Kantola
Business Development Manager
Asiakastieto Group